Live Poker Tournaments
Another common thing that people can worry about is that they do not know anyone, that they will be alone, frozen out, that the clubs will not want any new players, that people will be very angry if you do something wrong or are not completely sure. This is also wrong. I was very nervous the first time I was at a poker club, it's not unnatural. People are often nervous the first time they try something new. I was very well received, most people are just happy to bring in new blood to the "live scene". Most poker clubs want new members. Most poker clubs want an active player base that is filled with new players, they want the club to live, thrive and flourish. So most poker clubs will only be HAPPY if you become a member?? It ultimately benefits the club.
If you are going to play a tournament for the first time at a poker club, I recommend that you go there a little earlier?? The club hosts and / or tournament leader will certainly sacrifice a few minutes of their time to quickly draw general rules and attitudes at their club if you ask. If you are unsure of something at the table?? Question! If this is the first time you are playing live, it may be a good idea to tell the others at the table so they know about it, they are guaranteed to be tolerant of any mistakes and explain ambiguities that may arise.
Another tip is that, even if you are used to playing for high stakes online, start by playing a couple of cheap tournaments to learn the rules, how the live game works and what to avoid. In tournaments with high purchases, people are often more concentrated on the game and less talkative and thus also less likely to answer your questions. Most clubs have regular tournaments with purchases of around 300-500. These are great for learning the basics, rules of the game and gaining a little more experience before you get started with the big sharks.
He who does not ask, it also gets no answers. Are you unsure about something, even though it might feel like an obvious thing?? Question! It is by far the fastest and most flexible way to learn. And listen to the advice and answers you get! Not asking is bad, but asking and then ignoring the answers is even worse. Listen and absorb the answers you get from other players with more habit of live games! Do not get angry or annoyed if someone points out that you are doing wrong?? Ask instead why? What have I done wrong? Nobody wants anything bad for you personally; they just want the game to flow and for everyone to play by the same rules. Poker clubs often have tournament rules and rules of conduct on their websites or internet forums, if they have them read them before you go.